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>> Info CASM / FFM
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> Sujet d'aide
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> Registration benefits
Voici le sujet que vous avez choisi de voir
To be able to use all the features on this board, the administrator will probably require that you register for a member account. Registration is free and only takes a moment to complete.

During registration, the administrator requires that you supply a valid email address. This is important as the administrator may require that you validate your registration via an email. If this is the case, you will be notified when registering. If your e-mail does not arrive, then on the member bar at the top of the page, there will be a link that will allow you to re-send the validation e-mail. 

In some cases, the administrator will need to approve your registration before you can use your member account fully. If this is the case you will be notified during registration.

Once you have registered and logged in, you will have access to your personal messenger and your control panel.

For more information on these items, please see the relevant sections in this documentation.
En ligne depuis 2003!
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Version bas débit Nous sommes le : 14 Feb 25 à 06:47