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> Email Notification of new messages
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This board can notify you when a new reply is added to a topic. Many users find this useful to keep up to date on topics without the need to view the board to check for new messages.

There are three ways to subscribe to a topic:
  • Click the 'Options' menu at the top of a topic, and go to 'Track this topic'
  • On the posting screen when replying to or creating a topic, check the 'Enable email notification of replies?' checkbox.
  • From the 'Email Settings' section of your User CP (My Controls) check the 'Enable Email Notification by default?' option, this will automatically subscribe you to any topic that you make a reply to.
Please note that there are four different types of subscriptions:

Immediate Email Notification
This option will send out a notification immediately after a new topic or reply has been made regardless of your activity.

Delayed Emailed Notification
This option will send out a notification if a new topic or reply has been made and you're not active on the board.

Daily Email Digest
This option will send out a daily digest showing all new replies or topics for that day.

Weekly Email Digest
This option will send out a weekly digest showing all new replies or topics for that week.

You are also able to subscribe to each individual forum on the board, to be notified when a new topic is created in that particular forum. To enable this, click 'Forum Options' menu at the top forum you wish to subscribe to, and click the 'Subscribe to this forum' link.

To unsubscribe from any forums or topics that you are subscribed to - just go to the 'Subscriptions' section of 'My Controls' and you can do this from there.
En ligne depuis 2003!
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Version bas débit Nous sommes le : 14 Feb 25 à 06:28